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Submission Guidelines for Volume 13, Issue 1

Scope of Topics:

The following is an indicative list highlighting the scope of the journal:

  • International Commercial Arbitration;

  • Institutional Arbitration;

  • Multilateral Arbitration Conventions;

  • Inter-State Disputes Subject to Arbitration;

  • Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism;

  • Investment Treaty Arbitration;

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms;

  • Jurisdiction-specific issues in Arbitration; and

  • UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.

Contribution Guidelines

  1. IJAL seeks submissions under the following categories:
    a. Articles - 6,000 or more words.
    b. Notes - 4,000 to 6,000 words.
    c. Book Reviews - 1,000 to 2,000 words.

  2. IJAL accepts manuscripts on a rolling basis.

  3. Manuscripts received during April 1 – September 30 shall be considered for publication in the January issue and manuscripts received during October 1 – March 31 will be considered for publication in the July issue.

  4. Manuscripts must be topical and related to the scope of IJAL.

  5. The manuscript must contain an abstract of not more than 200 words.

  6. The manuscript must be in conformity with the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st edition).

  7. The manuscript must not contain any mention of or reference to the author’s name, affiliation or credentials. Such information must be restricted to a separate cover page which must contain a brief biographical description of the author and include the authors’ name, affiliation, qualifications and contact details.

  8. The manuscript must be contained in a Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) document.

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